Sunday, January 6, 2008

Using Tactical and Relationship Marketing to Achieve Brand Loyalty

Rewards Programs? What are they really selling? For those of you who are indecisive when it comes to travel incentives it's best to understand what travel companies are selling. Like many companies of the travel industry the essence of success is relationship marketing.

Rather than the ticket that they are selling, Travel Industry such as airlines focus a lot on the marketplace. A main tactical marketing program in the airline industry is the frequent flyer program that is supposedly solves the problem of customers' brand loyalty. Each airline developed a unique core set of tactical marketing materials in their frequent flyer program scheme to address each member of a target market. In achieving brand loyalty, frequent flyer programs are generally provided under an alliance to expand their marketing product. Some even develop exclusive membership to increase the value of program members. With the dozens rewards offered from frequent flyer programs like rental cars, hotels, holiday packages and passes to tourist attractions plus upgrades and free flights. There are so many ways to use reward points that it might be hard for consumers to make the most of them. Although almost all airline have a frequent flyer program, airlines seem to constantly add more rewards and continue to offer more way just to gain the consumers' first mileage point and win their initial loyalty such as credit cards with no APR and 500 miles just for applying.
Tip! In a better relationship there are no superior partners, just equal partners.

Relationship marketing is just another way of describing the frequent flyer programs. A frequent flyer program is a process over time rather than single unconnected events. By offering rewards, airline can generate revenue from the life cycle of the customer. Relationship marketing approach could achieve very high customer brand loyalty and a satisfactory feeling that the customer is gaining something in return just for choosing your company.
Tip! Your partner's behavior in a better relationship is not your partner's true essence.

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